Hanham Week Six

I can’t believe we’ve been RE: MAPPING at Hanham for six weeks! It’s gone so quickly yet we’ve achieved so much. Not least the amazing bonds and friendships that have emerged throughout our time together. And wow, this group know what they want! I was quite nervous about pulling all the work together this week and going forward with a plan for the residency sessions but I needn’t have been. We have a clear idea of what we want to achieve and how we are going to achieve it. I can’t possibly give away any secrets but let's just say, if you join us on the 16th March for our showing of work you’ll be treated to glimpses of Things You Wouldn't Expect to See in the Library’....


For the next few weeks I will be in residency in Hanham library building on the work that we have created over the last six weeks.


Here is a visual taster of what we did this week!


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