This week we asked our groups to make further explorations of storytelling and to share 'significant journeys' with us without words. We used our bodies to exchange emotions and then - sitting on our hands - we conveyed everything from moments of 'letting go' to real tears in order to transport other group members on our personal journeys.
We also made a physical map of the emotions in the room, allowing participants to create an expression of themselves from whichever media to hand they chose.
Exploring our performative selves through language, texture and expression we threw away inhibitions and donned everything from mermaid dresses to feather boas in the process!
We spoke of our relationship to each chosen material, all the while imagined what expecting a strawberry and getting a lemon might taste and feel like in the moment of sensory explosion.
These new forays into sharing showed us the depth of trust the groups are developing and has moved us nearer to creating a score of the last month's work as well as laying the groundwork for a more performative last couple of weeks.
We are inching closer to looking at notions of mapping and of self such as 'What does a persons' face tell us of their life?' and 'How can the stories we tell about ourselves change who we are now whether in our own view or in that of the Other?'......
Significant Journey from liz clarke on Vimeo.