Yate Week Three

A woman in red sits reading on a picnic rug.


Will she have to eat all the cakes herself?

What does she keep in her handbag?

What are her secrets?


From small visual cues our imaginations ran riot. Stories, travels, relations. We sent her round the world and back again, writing postcards as she went. I think she is in Australia at the moment; she went on a whim. She’s that type of woman.

Her story flowed like a river and we had a go at getting to the essence. We retold her life in 100,50, 20 words….


Free spirit, leaving. Starting afresh. Australia. Building bridges.


Emotions, moving, mother and child to new life, wondering worldwide.


Empty glass, an unopened letter. Plane leaves in a week.


Can make my life brand new in Australia.


We were then transported by a soundscape and floated down a river. Each individual journey was shared and shaped by a randomly chosen word. We collectively created a story from these words:


Looking from above at the picture by the stream

the baby cries whilst the bird nurtures its young.


The secrets of this place

and people as we follow the stream

and it turns into a river


But, a question…

where are we?

We are certainly being transported by these sessions and the collective imagination in the room is amazing to witness!





Whispers from liz clarke on Vimeo.